easy, dollar to dollar, gift card fundraising program.
Introducing shopUMEI! A fundraising gift card program that allows current and future students to earn credits towards their tuition.
How it Works
Bulk quantities of gift cards are purchased by UMEI at a discount. The cards are then sold to participating families at face value. Families can then sell as many cards to relatives/friends/neighbours as they wish. 50% of the discount is passed on to a family in the form of a tuition credit, and 50% is applied to the school’s general operating account.
A dollar-to-dollar value is received when purchasing from shopUMEI. The actual donation is being made by the store in the form of a card discount.
It’s EASY to sign up
Registration forms, easy-to-use order forms & more detailed information about shopUMEI are all available below:
For families who sign up, there is absolutely no downside. There are no minimum or maximum sales requirements, and no obligation at any time to continue with the program.